I thought my first blog was tough to do the second one is even harder. I have so many things to talk about and my mind can't decide which one. I start one and by the start of the second paragraph I lose interest at the topic and or I get distracted by another idea. I think I have 6 drafts. In the last 2 days I have been emotionally heart broken over the attack in Peshawar. I can not get those children out of my mind nor hearts. I keep thinking about their last moments on earth and how it ended with fear in their hearts. Then my heart breaks for their parents who could not imagine in million years that this would be the last day they would see their child again. Then I read the worlds heart warming support and understanding of the event and it gives me hope that we all care for their loss. Then I get angry at all the finger pointing of the blame game which never helps in time of crises. Then I start judging the people that have moved on to different topics like Noreen Khan whom I was following on twitter and saw her posting a picture of herself wearing a sari with no care in the world. I un followed her to protest her not using her celebrity base to bring about awareness and demand for more unity. I tweeted her my disgust of her ability to move on. Then I felt bad for doing that because who the hell I'm I to be mad at her.
All I want to do is find a way to make these terrorist stop hurting people. I can't give up on the idea that there is a way. I have so much faith that someday all this will be over and we all will live a safe and peaceful lives. Even writing this makes me sound very naive but I can't help not be optimistic. I believe the bad people in the world you can count in 1 hand, they just happen to be more evil then we are good. I believe these kids deaths will unit more of us to take a stand and make a difference for other children. I don't believe god does anything without a good reason. Everything happens for a good reason. Everything!
All I want to do is find a way to make these terrorist stop hurting people. I can't give up on the idea that there is a way. I have so much faith that someday all this will be over and we all will live a safe and peaceful lives. Even writing this makes me sound very naive but I can't help not be optimistic. I believe the bad people in the world you can count in 1 hand, they just happen to be more evil then we are good. I believe these kids deaths will unit more of us to take a stand and make a difference for other children. I don't believe god does anything without a good reason. Everything happens for a good reason. Everything!
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